Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism – this class begins April 8th – via the ZOOM video conference platform

Hello to all! This coming Wednesday, I will begin teaching an 8-week class called Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. We’ll meet on Wednesday nights, from 6-7:30pm, via the ZOOM video conferencing platform. There is still room, so if you’re interested, please contact me soon! Before the class, you will receive a ZOOM invite so that you can enter the video conference call. I’ll also provide some written instructions to help you over any hurdles.

During this class, we’ll follow a text written by Lama Surya Das called Awakening the Buddha Within. It is a great introductory text and covers the basic history and philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path. About half of each class will be dedicated to study and contemplation. The rest of the time will be spent building a meditation practice, little by little, so that by the end of the class you’ll have a sturdy meditation practice that you can bring with – you off of the cushion and into your life.

April 8th is a pretty auspicious date to begin. It is a Full Moon, and so it is a time when Buddhists mend their vows. It is Passover, and so for the Jewish people, it is a time to remember their Exodus; their freedom from from bondage in Egypt. In Japan, Zen Buddhists celebrate this date as the birthday of Shakyamuni Buddha. There is a lot of history here.

I haven’t taught the introductory class for quite awhile, and so I hope that you don’t miss this opportunity. Especially since it’s a prerequisite for the second class!

Blessings to all of you in these uncertain times. Stay safe, don’t get pulled into negativity, and find joy in this life!

Lhamo Khandro